BRI Vision Statement
“Greensboro Bend achieves sustainable growth while protecting its natural and historic resources, while exhibiting a strong sense of community.”
BRI Mission Statement
“Furthering economic, social, cultural, and equity-centric development by building community partnerships that improve the quality of lives for Greensboro Bend families.”
The Bend Revitalization Initiative (BRI) was created in April, 2018 in response to concerns voiced by Bend residents at the March Town Meeting. A visioning process was conducted with about 25 Bend and other Greensboro residents. This led to the following BRI goals:
- Support home improvement in the Bend and attract new housing stock (rentals or homes for sale)
- Enhance the physical appearance of the Bend
- Increase opportunities for community interaction
- Attract economic development to the Bend and provide jobs
- Seek funding for the above initiatives
Who We Are
The BRI is composed of Greensboro community members interesting in revitalizing the Bend. Our group includes longtime residents of the Bend, new residents, business owners, retirees, and young parents.
If you would like to get involved and join in the fun, let us know! We love getting new ideas and working to implement them!
The Bend Revitalization Initiative became a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in February, 2021. The officers are:
Dan Predpall, President –
Nancy Hill, Vice President –
Jane John, Treasurer –
Contact Us:
If you would like to join us, or just want to talk, please contact us at:
Or, call us…we are all in the phonebook!