April 2022
Final Bend Redevelopment Plan
The Bend Revitalization Initiative and Consultant DuBois & King have prepared a final Bend Redevelopment Plan. Click here or on the image below to view the final PDF of The Plan.
(Right-click to download PDF)

February 2022
Draft Bend Redevelopment Plan
The Bend Revitalization Initiative and Consultant DuBois & King prepared a draft Bend Redevelopment Plan.
One goal of preparing the Redevelopment Plan is to create a safe and enjoyable recreation experience, both for Bend residents as well as others who wish to use the trail from Greater Greensboro and neighboring towns. For example, the Plan includes construction of a parking area to keep visitors from parking on Main Street, and installation benches, picnic tables, bike racks, and other amenities for trail users.
Another goal of the Redevelopment Plan is to bring economic development to the Bend, or in other words, bring new jobs to Greensboro Bend residents. The arrival of the Rail Trail will attract many trail users to the Bend, and this is a real business opportunity.
Two other long-term goals of the BRI are bringing affordable housing to the Bend, and making the Bend a more attractive community for raising children.
Summer 2021
Planning Study – Public Information Session
The Bend Master Plan seeks to develop an economic revitalization plan for Greensboro Bend centered around future improvements to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. Linear park designs, improved streetscapes, recreational resources, and economic development opportunities for the Greensboro Bend village will be developed through open, public planning process during the summer and fall of 2021. We hope to see you at the Visioning Meeting and Open House on August 5th, 7 PM.

Spring 2021
The firm of Dubois & King will perform the Bend municipal planning project. Work will get underway in mid-May and continue at least through 2021. The focus of this project is planning for the completion of the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail in the Bend, scheduled for 2022.
More information about this exciting project will be posted soon.